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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Movies & Quotes - The Client

Mark:"Do you miss your kids?"
Reggie:"So much I try not to think about them."

Mark:"Remember Momma Love, where she told me about asking people for help."
Mark:"I guess now I am asking you. Please."

Movies & Quotes - Friends Forever {:The Cure:}

Dr. Jenson:"Look, history is full of sick people, who suddenly, for no reason at all, get better. And when that happens we call it a miracle. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special, and that you might be one of those people. You know I'm tellin' you the truth, don't you? You can feel that inside you, can't you? So don't let me down, okay? I'm counting on you to make me famous."
Dexter:"It happens somethimes, when I wake up. And it's dark. I just can't believe it the universe is 18 billion light years across."
Dexter:"Suppose you kept going another 18 billion light years, what if there's nothing out there? Suppose you kept going another trillion times further, so far out you see nothing.The light from the universe would be fainter than the faintest star. Infinitely cold. Infinitely black. Sometimes if I wake up and it's dark, I get really scared, like I'm out there and I'm never coming back."
Erik:"Here, hold onto this while you sleep. And if you wake up and you're scared, you'll say, 'Wait a minute. I'm holding Erik's shoe. Why the hell would I be holding some smelly basketball shoe, a trillion light years from universe? I must be here on earth, safe in my sleeping bag, and Erik must be close by.' "
Dexter:"I guess I would try."
Dexter:"Where do bugs go to the bathroom?"
Erik:"It's not on leaves. Not even bugs are stupid enough to shit on their own food."
Dexter:"[They make a tea from some found leaves] Tastes like crap."
Erik:"No shit, don't you know where bugs go to the bathroom?"

LTB - Cycling Trip

Today, I cycled for three hours and while halfway cycling, my shoe "broke". So, I had to cycled back in such condition, which is hard. To make thing worse, I lose my way and go to the wrong direction for 15 minutes. Worse of all, my ass hurts a lot due to the long period of cycling, those who cycled know what I mean. :}

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Movies & Quotes - Pay It Forward

Mr. Simonet:"Yes, there is a world out there and even if you decide you don't want to meet it, it still going to hit you right in the face. Believe me. So, best to start thinking about the world now and what it means to you. What the world means to you?"
Mr. Simonet:"Why should we think about the world, I mean after all what does the world expect of us?"
Mr. Simonet:"What is the world is just a big disappointment, unless you take the thing that you don't like about this world and you flip it upside down."
ASSIGNMENT: Think of an idea to change our world --- and put it into ACTION!
Mr. Simonet:"How about possible. It's possible, the realm of possibility exist in each of you, here(BRAIN), so you can do, you can surprise us, it's up to you or you can just sit back and let it atrophy(waste away).
Trevor:"What you ever do to change the world?"
Trevor:"That's me and that's three people and I am going to help them, but it has to be something really big, something they can't do by themselves. So, I do it for them and they do it for three other people. That's nine and I do three more..."
Trevor:"Like a perfect world."
Trevor:"the world is just a shit."
Trevor:"I just want to see if the world really change."
Trevor:"Everybody makes mistakes."
Trevor:"That's why this is the one, because it suppose to be something hard."
Trevor:"You want to do something really huge, for someone, for a project, for me."
Trevor:"I think some people are to scared or something. Things can be different and I mean the world is not exactly a shit. I guess it is hard for some people who were so used to think the way they are, even if they are bad. To change, and they kind of give up, when they do everybody kind of lose."
Trevor:"It's hard, you can't plan it. You have to watch people more, you know, sort of, sort of keep an eye on them, to protect them, cause they can't always see what they need. It's like your big chance to fix something that is not something like your bike. You can fix a person."

Movies & Quotes - CHILD {:Peter Pan:}

What if you could escape to a faraway world without parents.
Peter Pan:"look at them, Wendy. Look at them all come away to Neverland."
Without any rules, without anyone telling you what to do.
Peter Pan:"Come with me, you will NEVER, NEVER have to worry of grown up thing again."

Movies & Quotes - Greatest Father {:Game Plan:}

Payton:"Hi everybody, I am Payton, the one who is going to bed early from now on. My dad did not have much a heads up on this whole father thing and he is still getting a hang on things. It is like everything else in his life, he NEVER SAYS NO, I mean he is teaching me that you can do anything if you got motivation and determination. And the place where that start, it is right here, in the HEART. You are the world greatest father."
Joe:"That was really good."
Payton:"It's gonna cost you."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Movies & Quotes - I LOVE YOU {:Big Daddy:}

Sonny's Dad:"Your honor, to give this young man, a custody of another life is not only wrong. It is insane!"
Sonny:"I LOVE YOU!"
Sonny's Dad:"What?"
Sonny:"You don't have to be scared, it's all right."
Sonny's Dad:"What are you talking about? I am not scared."
Sonny:"If I get custody of Julian, I will his father forever, and that's scared you because you think there is a good chance I might fail."
Sonny's Dad:"Sonny, it is more than a chance, it is a certainty!"
Sonny:"You're wrong, Dad. You can be scared that I might get pick-pocketed in the bad neighborhood or I might break my leg skiing. But, don't be scared about me being a Dad, because I will not fail at that, I can't. I love this kid too much! I loved him as much as you loved me, Dad. And I am going to give him advice and I am going to guide him and I am going to be there for him. Whenever he needs me, I will fly to New York to be at his court-case, even if I disagree with why is there in the first place."
Sonny's Dad:"But Sonny, you worked in a toll booth!"
Sonny:"Don't be scared about me making money. I am in love with a beautiful girl who makes plenty of it. She'll be my Sugar Mamma."
Man 1:"Ooo I gotta get me one of those."
Sonny:"I know this is the right thing to do Dad, because I will die for this kid, just so you won't have to feel one ounce of sadness. That's why you are here right now. To protect me. To be scared full. To be a good father. That's exactly what I am gonna be."
Man 2:"Hello Dad, yeah I just want to say I love you."
Man 3:"Hi Mom, could you put down the phone for a second."
Man 4:"Hi Flute, coming to pappa"
Man 1:"Can I borrow that when you are done."
Sonny's Dad:"My honor, my son deserve this kid."
Man 1:"I love you too, Son."

Friday, March 27, 2009

Movies & Quotes - Minutemen

(Charlie speaking to Virgil) "Ok but know this. What happened down there is we become friends. That day that we were tied together on that stupid Ram statue. This day, this day that you hate so much, just because you got a little embarrassed. This is my favorite day, even though I'd still be a nerd it didn't really matter anymore, because now I had a real friend, that would always make everything OK. So much for all that I guess."

Luke Benward as "Charlie Tuttle" --- Minutemen

Books & Quotes - Just Do It

Smart students do not plan, they just pick up the books and read them. (Zig Ziglar - Selling 101)

So whatever you do, just do it and learn from your mistakes. {:LTB:}

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

LTB - Good Buffet

I ate dinner at VIENNA (International Seafood & Teppanyaki Buffet Restaurant) with my colleagues. It cost about $45 per person. It is a great food, for those who want to try, it is located at 101 Thomson Road #B1-01, United Square, Singapore 307591. Telp:6254-6686/6253-1696 Fax:6250-6883

Monday, March 16, 2009

Books - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)

Habit 1 - Be Proactive
Habit 2 - Begin With the End in Mind
Habit 3 - Put First Things First
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw
Habit 8 - From Effectiveness To Greatness

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Books - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen R. Covey)

Habit 1 - Be Proactive

PRINCIPLE - I am free to choose and am responsible for my choices.

Paradigm-The way we see, understand, and interpret the world; our mental map
-Ineffective: I am a product of my circumstances.
-Effective: I am a product of my choices.
-Pause and respond based on principles.
-Use proactive language.
-Expand your Circle of Influence.
-Become a transition person.
-Increased influence
-More self-awareness
-Greater initiative
-Becoming the creative force of your life

The results we get in life depend on what we do. What we do in life depends on how we see the world around us.

Reactive Behavior - Reactive people allow outside influences (moods, feelings, and circumstances) to control their response.
Stimulus xXxXx Response
Proactive Behavior - Proactive people pause to allow themselves the freedom to choose their response based on principles and desired results. Their freedom to choose expands as they wisely use the space between stimulus and response.
Stimulus --> Freedom to Choose -->Response

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. (George Bernard Shaw)

Thoreau said, "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor." This is the essence of Habit 1: Be Proactive. In a world filled with victims, highly effective people refuse to let their circumstances determine their choices. You too can learn to take charge and see your life from a new, elevated perspective.

Habit 2 - Begin With the End in Mind

All things are created twice. First is the mental creation or plan; second is the physical creation or work. Highly effective people clearly see the outcome they want they want in every area of life before they act.

First Creation(Mental Creation) -> Second Creation(Physical Creation)
A clear agenda and objective -> A Productive meeting
An architectural blueprint -> An office tower
Extensive market research -> A successful new product
An individual goal-setting session -> A master's degree
A Personal Mission Statement -> A life of contribution and fulfillment

A Personal Mission Statement is like a constitution by which you make all decisions for your life. Highly effective people shape their own future instead of letting other people, their culture, or their circumstances determine it.

PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT-Your purpose and meaning in life.
Benefits of a Personal Mission Statement:
-Clarifies what is important to you.
-Provides focus.
-Helps you design your life instead of having it designed for you.
-Guides your day-to-day decisions.
-Gives you a greater sense of meaning and purpose designed for you.

There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone's life. (Sister Mary Rose McGeady)

Habit 2 is focused on using your imagination and conscience to create a mental picture of the life you want. This is the habit of leadership, developing the discipline to rise above the day-to-day efforts to ensure you're working toward what is really most important to you. You'll learn how to create a Personal Mission Statement that can become your personal map to success.

Habit 3 - Put First Things First

Although they are both important, the compass must come before the clock, because where you're headed is more important than how fast you're getting there.

The compass represents your mission, direction, and values - what you feel matters most.
The clock represents your appointments, schedules, and activities - how you manage your time.

Compass --- Clock
Effectiveness --- Effeciency
Relationships --- Schedules
Important things --- Urgent things

Important: Activities that represent your values, mission, and high-priority goals.
Urgent: Activities that require immediate attention.

I -
-Pressing problems
-Deadline-driven projects, meetings, reports
-Relationship building
-Values clarification
-Needless interruptions
-Unnecessary reports
-Unimportant meetings, phone calls, mail, e-mail
-Other people's minor issues
-Trivia, busywork
-Irrelevant phone calls, mail, e-mail
-"Escape" activities
-Excessive TV, Internet, relaxation

I watched the Indy 500, and I was thinking that if they left earlier, they wouldn't have to go so fast. (Steven Wright)

E. M. Gray once observed. "The successful person has the habit of doing the things failures don't like like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose." This is the essence of Habit 3. You'll learn a new mindset for examining how you spend your time, and you'll learn how to focus your efforts in ways that create greater success both professionally and personally.

Habit 4 - Think Win-Win

If you don't have some grounding in the Private Victory, it will be difficult to Think Win-Win.
Read each phrase below and determine where you think you are on the continuum.

ABUNDANCE: I believe there is plenty out there for everybody(e.g., options, success, opportunities, credit).
SCARCITY: I believe there is only so much, and the more you get, the less there is for me.

ABUNDANCE: I am happy for the successes of others, especially those closest to me.
SCARCITY: I am threatened by the successes of others, especially those closest to me.

ABUNDANCE: I treat everyone with equal respect.
SCARCITY: I treat people with varying degrees of respect based on position or status.

ABUNDANCE: I find it easy to share recognition and credit.
SCARCITY: I have a difficult time sharing recognition and credit.

ABUNDANCE: I have a deep inner sense of personal worth and security.
SCARCITY: I find my sense of self-worth from being compared and from competition.

Courage: Willingness and ability to speak your thoughts and feelings.
Consideration: Willingness and ability to seek and listen to others' thoughts and feelings with respect.

Elements of an effective Win-Win Agreement:
Desired Results: What's the end in mind? What are the outcomes I want?
Guidelines: What rules do I follow? What are the guidelines for accomplishing the results?
Resources: What resources do I have to work with (e.g., people, money, tools, materials, technology)?
Accountability: How will we measure how well it's going?
Consequences: What are the rewards of achieving the outcome? What are the consequences of not achieving the outcome?

One of the biggest things I've learned is that I don't have to always be right. (Jeffrey B. Swartz)

Win-Win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. This habit is based on the paradigm that there is plenty for everybody. One person's success is not at the expense of the success of others. By truly living this habit, organizations, corporations, and families are infinitely more prepared to break through old barriers and achieve new heights of success.

Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

Emphatic Listening is reflecting what a person feels and says in your own words. It is not listening to advise, counsel, reply, refute, solve, fix, change, judge, agree, disagree, question, analyze, or figure out.

Traditional Chinese character: "to listen with a virtuous heart." (Ears, Eyes, Heart)

When I ask you to listen and you start giving advice, you have not done what I have asked. When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn't feel that way, you are trampling on my feelings. When I ask you to listen and you have to do something to solve my problem, you have failed me, strange as it may seem. Listen! All I ask is that you listen; not talk or do --- just hear me. (Ralph Roughton, M.D.)

Emphatic Listening is reflecting what a person feels and says in your own words.
You feel Angry, frustrated, excited, sad, irritated, ignored, misunderstood, happy, nervous, hesitant, embarrassed, foolish, upset, discouraged, stifled, disrespected, emotional, confused, speechless, unsure, enthusiastic about Content, topic, or meaning of what is being said.

Helpful Language to Get You Started
-As I get it, you feel ...
-So as you see it ...
-You seem ...
-You must have felt ...
-You sound ...
-What I'm hearing is ...
-I'm not sure I'm with you, but ...
-Your feeling now is ...

1. Focus on the speaker, not on your "correct" response to the speaker.
2. If you get stuck, just repeat what the speaker says. If you are sincerely trying to understand, you won't be perceived as being manipulative.
3. Don't be afraid of silence. Sometimes just listening and saying nothing is the best way to get to the heart of an issue.

Most people typically listen with the intent to reply. Habit 5 explores the essential communication skill of listening to truly understand which helps us to avoid reading our own autobiographies into other people's lives. It opens us up to one another's perspectives, ideas, and emotions. Then real communication can happen, new and better ideas can be conceived, and everyone involved can learn from one another.

Habit 6 - Synergize

Synergizing is a process of interacting that highly effective people use to get to synergy, or the Third Alternative.

Synergizing is:
1. Results-oriented, positive energy.
2. Examining, exploring, and seeking different perspectives openly enough to alter or complete your paradigm.
3. Win-win cooperation.
4. Having a mutually agreed-upon end in mind.
5. Worth the effort and highly effective.

Synergizing is not:
1. A brainstorming free-for-all that leads nowhere.
2. Accepting others' ideas as full truth.
3. Win-lose competition.
4. Groupthink (giving in to peer pressure).
5. Always easy.

Types of Interaction (Outcome)
Synergy --- Third Alternative {1+1=3,10,100} (Transformation)
Compromise {1+1=1.5} (Transaction)
Defensiveness {1+1=0.5} (Contention)
Hostility {1+1=-1,-10,-100} (Contention)

If two people have the same opinion, one is unnecessary. (Stephen R. Covey)

Synergizing is a creative process that explores new possibilities to benefit all parties involved. At its best, it is a process that results in the Third Alternative.

Getting to Synergy
Your Way & My Way --> Check Willingness --> Reflect Viewpoints --> Create New Ideas --> Check Willingness --> Reflect Viewpoints --> Create New Ideas --> Third Alternative

-Check Willingness.
Be willing to search for a solution that is better than what either of you has in mind.
-Reflect Viewpoints.
Restate the other's viewpoint to his or her satisfaction before you state your own.
-Create New Ideas.
Propose and refine new ideas. Go back for further understanding until you arrive at a Third Alternative.

Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership. It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest powers within people. All the other habits prepare you to create synergy. Simply defined, synergy means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When we truly value, respect, and engage our differences, we are prepared to reach for entirely new ideas and breakthrough results.

Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw

Assume you've had a heart attack in the last month. How would you approach exercise and nutrition?
To renew yourself physically, consider these suggestions:
-Get the amount of sleep you know your body needs.
-Set health and fitness goals (e.g., run a marathon, reach a certain cholesterol level or a target weight).
-Include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fiber, and lots of water in your diet.
-Ensure that your exercise routine is not one-dimentional but includes flexibility, strength training, and cardiovascular endurance.
-Reduce stress by eliminating Quadrant III activities --- get out of the urgency trap.

Assume that everything you say about people will be heard by them. How might you choose your words differently?
To renew yourself socially/emotionally, consider these suggestions:
-Keep your relationships in constant repair through continual deposits to the Emotional Bank Account.
-Value the differences in others and look for opportunities to Synergize.
-Practice Emphathic Listening regularly with the people who are important to you.
-Widen your circle of friends.
-Forgive yourself and others who may have hurt you.
-Build family relationships --- both immediate and extended.
-Let go of the damaging competitive feelings you may have toward others.

Assume your knowledge and skills will be obsolete in two years. What new learning avenues would you explore?
To renew yourself mentally, consider these suggestions:
-Keep a journal. Your journal can become your space for working out problems.
-Read voraciously. And if you don't understand that word...well,our point exactly.
-Collect quotations. The sentiments of great people stimulate the mind.
-Develop a hobby. It allows you to do something you love doing. 
-Continue your education. Train your mind to stand apart and examine its own paradigm.

Assume you have a year to live. What legacy would you want to leave?
To renew yourself spiritually, consider these suggestions:
-Create, review, and refine your Personal Mission Statement.
-Watch, listen, and enjoy the world of nature.
-Read inspirational literature, in particular biographies of people who inspire you.
-Commit to a life of total integrity to your priorities.
-Listen to inspirational, uplifting music.
-Commit to serve in your comunity. Give of your time, money, and self.
-Practice spiritual worship that edifies.

Based on the analogy of a man too busy cutting down trees to pause and sharpen his saw, this habit helps you see the importance of renewing your most valuable asset --- you. By practicing Habit 7, you preserve and enhance your productivity in all areas of life. Dr. Covey will help you understand the four dimensions of your nature, physical, spiritual, mental, and social/emotional.

Habit 8 - From Effectiveness To Greatness

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Movies & Quotes - FRIENDS {:The Prince and the Pauper:}

I left the business because I didn't like who I was, not because I didn't like acting. I was a nasty person, especially to those people who really care about me. So, nobody would work with me, so it all went away, it's all gone. People who I thought were my friends, it was just tag along. People who are really my friends, it were long gone. So I move here, here I stay, because I like this, I like this lawn chair. It's not acting that stinks, Tom. It is the person you become when you don't appreciate what you have.

The hardest lesson I ever learn was {: Be gracious, treat people with respect :}

The Prince and the Pauper - Movie

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quotes - Ich Liebe Dich (I Love You)

In my dreamland, people are as faithful as man's best friend, as friend are for life, life is as exciting as an adventure story, where everyone feels at home and wants to say "I love you".

Ich Liebe Dich - Michael Junior

Saturday, March 7, 2009

LTB - Driving Test

Today, I took and Pass the Basic Driving Test for conversion of license from Indonesia to Singapore:} After that, I went to City Square Condominium as a British Couple are looking for apartment to rent. After that, I went for viewing of HDB at Woodland. Lastly, my brother came from Indonesia to visit Singapore.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Movies & Quotes - DUMA

Xan: My father, he died recently. How can someone just disappear like that? Forever.

{Cherish your life to your maximum potential - LTB :}

DUMA - Movie

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jokes - Newspaper Advertisement

Mrs. Willencot was very frugal. When her husband died, she asked the newspaper how much it would cost for a death notice.
"Two dollars for five words."
"Can I pay for just two words?" She asked. " 'Willencot dead.' "
"No, five words is the minimum."
Mrs Willencot thought a moment. "Okay, then. How about this? 'Willencot dead. Cadillac for sale.' "

(Author Unknown)

Jokes - Parrot & Chicken

David's friends gave him a very nasty parrot. He tried to change the bird's bad behavior by treating it kindly, even playing soft music, but it kept cursing and biting. One day, in a fit of anger, he threw the bird in the freezer.
At first it squawked and banged on the door. Then, after a brief silence, it begged to be freed.
Feeling guilty, David opened the freezer. Shivering, the parrot said, "I'm sorry. I promise to behave."
David was wondering the reason for this sudden transformation when the parrot continued, "I gotta ask you one thing: What did the chicken do?"

(Author Unknown)

Jokes - $500 poker

Six guys are playing poker. After losing $500 on one hand, Smith clutches his chest and topples over, dead at the table. To decide who's going to tell his wife, his buddies draw straws. Anderson picks the short one.
"Break it to her gently," they urge.
"Leave it to me," he says.
When Smith's wife comes to the door, Anderson says, "Your husband just lost $500 playing cards."
"How much?" the wife yells, eyes blazing. "Tell him to drop dead!"

(Author Unknown)

Jokes - Doctor

Phil visit his doctor after weeks of not feeling well.
"I have bad news," says the doctor. "You don't have long to live."
"How long have I got?" asks a distraught Phil.
"Ten," the doctor says sadly.
"Ten? Ten what? Months? Days?"
The doctor interrupts, "Nine ..."

(Author Unknown)

Jokes - Beer

A guy walks into a bar, orders three shots and downs them all. "What's up with the three shots?" asks the bartender.
"My two closest buddies and I have gone our separate ways, and I miss them terribly," says the guy.
"See, this glass here is for Tom, this one's Bob's, and this one's mine. I feel like we're all drinking together, just like old times."
So every day day the guy comes in and the bartender sets up three glasses. Until one day, the guy asks for just two shots.
"I hate to ask," says the bartender, "but did something happen to one of your friends?"
"Nah, they're okay," says the guy. "I just decided to quit drinking."

(Author Unknown)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

LTB - Bicycle

Today, is my first day cycling since I came to Singapore, but unfortunately, after cycling halfway to my destination to the library to return books and audio books, it is raining cats and dogs.