Budi Hartono
HP: +62-818-521-999
BCA account: 2581570700
MSN: hartonob@live.com
Email: hartonob0982@yahoo.com
China HP: +86-158-1145-56790 (Random number, NOT Budi)
SUMMARY: (Long Version Below)
My Singapore primary friend, Budi Hartono (He is Indonesian) borrow from me for Rp.5.000.000,00 (US$540/SG$760) on 3 May 2010. He said that his son is very sick and needed the money immediately as he is in Australia. He said he will return me as soon as he arrive to Indonesia which is in 2 days time. Until now, he had not return me yet and he always had reasons for not returning the money. He even delete my Facebook account.
Would you want a friend like him?
Do you trust a word from him?
Do you have the same problem?
Please help me warns your friends to prevent future mishaps.
Any way to get to him appreciated :) (Home Address, Telephone, Work Address or others)
Please Comments :)
On 3 May 2010 early morning, I receive an anonymous SMS, and I called back but no reply. He replied that he is Budi and he is at Sydney and could not pick up phone, because it is roaming. He said that he gets my contact from Facebook and he asked whether he still remember him. He asked for my MSN or YM? And he will be back to Surabaya the day after tomorrow. A short while later, he SMS me again to add his MSN at hartonob@live.com. He said he needed help immediately.
In the MSN chatting he said that that his son is in hospital because of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever caused by mosquito (Demam Berdarah) and he needed money for Rp.4,000,000.00 or Rp.5,000,000.00. He said that he did not have any money ready as his family were in Sydney, he will return my money once he gets back to Surabaya, Indonesia on 5 May 2010. I transfer him the money immediately.
The next day 4 May 2010 at 4.37PM, he SMS me again and said that his son is in Emergency Room (ICU). He said he needs another Rp3,000,000.00 and said that his flight is at 3 O’clock to Indonesia, and he will transfer the money as soon as he reach Indonesia. I do not have anymore money, so I could not give him the money.
On 6 May 2010, I asked him how is his son condition? He said that his body temperature is still going up and down. In the message he also said: “btw can u sms me again ur bank details. I ll tt it later. Thx ya”
On 7 May 2010, I SMS him for the transfer and he replied: “Yup bing.after office I will tt.thx bing”
On 9 May 2010, I SMS him for the transfer and I receive a reply in Indonesian Language: “I am sorry, may I know who you are? Budi is in Hospital. He just had an operation of Appendicitis (Usus Buntu). Maybe he could call me at night? I am his wife. Tonight I will be going to the hospital. Thank You.” I replied telling her the situation, and she replied in Indonesian Language: “Okay, I will inform him. Does he have your account number? Thank you for your help the other day. GBU.”
On 17 May 2010, I call him for the transfer, but no answer, he SMS in Indonesian Language: “Hello Bing, just now my HP/Cellular Phone’s battery is low. Tomorrow I will TT you the money that I borrow the other day. Sorry it took so long because I just recovered, Bing. Tomorrow after I transfer, I will SMS you. Thanks a lot.”
On 18 May 2010, I SMS him for the transfer and I receive a reply in Indonesian Language: “I had not transferred the money, Bing. I will transfer after work. Thanks.” After work I SMS again and he replied in Indonesian Language: “Soon, I will transfer.”
On 19 May 2010, I SMS him for the transfer and I receive a reply in Indonesian Language: “Tau Bing, I just TT 5 Million from my Citibank account because my BCA (Bank Central Asia) is not enough. Please check today. Thanks sorry it’s so late, maybe the money arrives in the evening. I will Email you the transaction slip.” I did not receive the transaction slip’s Email.
On 3 June 2010, I SMS him for the transfer and I receive a reply in Indonesian Language: “Morning, I am sorry. How much? I receive your SMS but Budi is in China. Next Tuesday (8 June 2010), he will return to Surabaya, Indonesia. Could you contact him again next week? Thank You.” Budi Even give me his China HP/Mobile number which is some random number, a Chinese Lady pick up the phone.
On Tuesday (8 June 2010) onwards, I did not receive any more reply from him and he even DELETE me on my Facebook.
On Sunday (13 June 2010) I post this blog on my Facebook.
On Monday (14 June 2010) I receive email from hartonob0982@yahoo.com. Although I still find Facebook activities still going on his Facebook.
Dear taubing, sorry my hotmail account had been hacked and my facebook account, coz i lost my bb ,i lost ur phione number, i try to send this email to u, if its right please reply my message, and can u please email me ur back account details, i will tt it by this week ya.sorry for the inconvinience...
Best Regards,
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